最近想在 markdown 里搞图文混排,遇到一个大图把版面占完了,想缩小一些,由于 .md 渲染器安全限制,没法直接指定宽高
想到一个 hack,要不直接放一个 .svg 进去,因为 svg 支持加载位图资源,所以把 svg 位图缩小一点,让浏览器渲染 svg 不就行了。
没想到就被这个 hack 坑了。原因是 svg 如果被 <img>
为了证明这个限制,我写了个 demo 放在 https://lab.est.im/shit_svg/
这个问题太隐蔽了。stackoverflow 上只有 Robert Longson、ThangLeQuoc、TheHippo
后来搜了到 skychx 把这个问题研究透了。罪魁祸首 SVG Security
If an SVG file is fetched as image, then certain requirements apply to this document:
- The SVG document is not allowed to fetch any resources. This also applies to scripts, stylesheets or images.
- Fonts shouldn't be loaded as well. The situation in UAs seems to still be unclear though.
Scripts must not be executed.- Event listeners must be disabled at all times.
浪费我好多时间。SVG2里把这个说得很明白了 https://www.w3.org/TR/SVG2/conform.html#processing-modes
When external references are disabled in an SVG document, any attempt to fetch a document through an external reference must instead be treated as if a network error occurred and no data was received.
不过查阅资料的时候发现个好玩的,SVG 1.1 支持 URL fragments