Threads Script
需要注意Threads Script用的是Java Script,而不是Jlink Script(前面查了半天发现不对),虽然都简称成了js,但是Jlink Script应该只有Jlink的一些批处理程序才会使用这种方式写脚本
之前有说过SES的RTOS Awareness好像有点问题,老是显示不全,不如Ozone的
* Solutions for real time microcontroller applications *
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* (c) 1995 - 2019 SEGGER Microcontroller GmbH *
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* Current version number will be inserted here *
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File : FreeRTOSPlugin_CM7.js
Purpose : Ozone FreeRTOS-awareness JavaScript Plugin for Cortex-M7
* Local Functions
* GetTaskStackGrowDir
* Function description
* Indicates if the task stack grows in positive (1) or negative (-1) memory direction
* Notes
* (1) The stack grow direction depends on the FreeRTOS-port.
* Currently, a positive grow direction is only used on the PIC architecture.
function GetTaskStackGrowDir() {
return -1;
* GetTaskPrioName
* Function description
* Returns the display text of a task priority
* Parameters
* Priority: task priority (integer)
function GetTaskPrioName(Priority) {
var sName;
if (Priority == 0) {
sName = "Idle"
} else if (Priority == 1) {
sName = "Low"
} else if (Priority == 2) {
sName = "Normal";
} else if (Priority == 3) {
sName = "High";
} else if (Priority == 4) {
sName = "Highest";
} else {
return Priority.toString();
sName = sName + " (" + Priority + ")";
return sName;
* GetTaskName
* Function description
* Returns the display text of a task name
* Parameters
* tcb: task control block (type tskTCB)
* Addr: control block memory location
function GetTaskName(tcb, Addr) {
var sTaskName;
sTaskName = Debug.evaluate("(char*)(*(tskTCB*)" + Addr + ").pcTaskName");
if (sTaskName == undefined) {
sTaskName = Debug.evaluate("(char*)(*(TCB_t*)" + Addr + ").pcTaskName");
if (tcb.uxTCBNumber != undefined) {
sTaskName = "#" + tcb.uxTCBNumber + " \"" + sTaskName + "\"";
return sTaskName;
* GetTaskID
* Function description
* Returns the display text of a task ID
* Parameters
* tcb: task control block (type tskTCB)
* Addr: control block memory location
function GetTaskID(tcb, Addr) {
return "0x" + (tcb.uxTCBNumber == undefined ? Addr.toString(16) : tcb.uxTCBNumber.toString(16));
* GetTCB
* Function description
* Returns the task control block of a task
* Parameters
* Addr: control block memory location
function GetTCB(Addr) {
var tcb;
tcb = Debug.evaluate("*(tskTCB*)" + Addr);
if (tcb == undefined) {
tcb = Debug.evaluate("*(TCB_t*)" + Addr);
return tcb;
* GetTaskNotifyStateStr
* Function description
* Returns the display string of a task notify state
* Parameters
* tcb: task control block (type tskTCB)
function GetTaskNotifyStateStr(tcb) {
if (tcb.ucNotifyState == undefined) {
return tcb.eNotifyState == undefined ? "N/A" : tcb.eNotifyState.toString();
} else {
return tcb.ucNotifyState.toString()
* GetTaskStackInfoStr
* Function description
* Returns a display text of the format "<free space> / <stack size>"
* Parameters
* tcb: task control block (type tskTCB)
* Notes
* (1) pxEndOfStack is only available when FreeRTOS was compiled with
function GetTaskStackInfoStr(tcb) {
var FreeSpace;
var UsedSpace;
var Size;
// GrowDir == 0 GrowDir == 1
// pxStack | Low Addr | Stack Top | Stack Base |
// | | | |
// pxTopOfStack | | Stack Pointer | Stack Pointer |
// | | | |
// pxEndOfStack | High Addr | Stack Base | Stack Top |
if (GetTaskStackGrowDir() == 1) { // stack grows in positive address direction
if (tcb.pxEndOfStack == undefined) {
UsedSpace = tcb.pxTopOfStack - tcb.pxStack;
FreeSpace = undefined;
Size = undefined;
} else {
FreeSpace = tcb.pxEndOfStack - tcb.pxTopOfStack;
UsedSpace = tcb.pxTopOfStack - tcb.pxStack;
Size = FreeSpace + UsedSpace;
} else { // stack grows in negative address direction
if (tcb.pxEndOfStack == undefined) {
FreeSpace = tcb.pxTopOfStack - tcb.pxStack;
UsedSpace = undefined;
Size = undefined;
} else {
FreeSpace = tcb.pxTopOfStack - tcb.pxStack;
UsedSpace = tcb.pxEndOfStack - tcb.pxTopOfStack;
Size = FreeSpace + UsedSpace;
return FreeSpace + " / " + (Size == undefined ? "N/A" : Size);
function GetLabel1(tcb) {
var FreeSpace;
var UsedSpace;
var Size;
// GrowDir == 0 GrowDir == 1
// pxStack | Low Addr | Stack Top | Stack Base |
// | | | |
// pxTopOfStack | | Stack Pointer | Stack Pointer |
// | | | |
// pxEndOfStack | High Addr | Stack Base | Stack Top |
if (GetTaskStackGrowDir() == 1) { // stack grows in positive address direction
if (tcb.pxEndOfStack == undefined) {
UsedSpace = tcb.pxTopOfStack - tcb.pxStack;
FreeSpace = undefined;
Size = undefined;
} else {
FreeSpace = tcb.pxEndOfStack - tcb.pxTopOfStack;
UsedSpace = tcb.pxTopOfStack - tcb.pxStack;
Size = FreeSpace + UsedSpace;
} else { // stack grows in negative address direction
// FreeRTOS -1 ,go on here
if (tcb.pxEndOfStack == undefined) {
FreeSpace = tcb.pxTopOfStack - tcb.pxStack;
UsedSpace = undefined;
Size = undefined;
} else {
FreeSpace = tcb.pxTopOfStack - tcb.pxStack;
UsedSpace = tcb.pxEndOfStack - tcb.pxTopOfStack;
Size = FreeSpace + UsedSpace;
return "0x"+tcb.pxTopOfStack.toString(16) + " / " + "0x"+tcb.pxStack.toString(16);
function GetLabel2(addr) {
return addr.toString(16);
function GetLabel3(param) {
return param.toString(16);
* AddTask
* Function description
* Adds a task to the task window
* Parameters
* Addr: memory location of the task's control block (TCB)
* CurrTaskAddr: memory location of the executing task's control block (TCB)
* sState: state of the task (e.g. "executing")
function AddTask(Addr, CurrTaskAddr, sState) {
var tcb;
var sTaskName;
var sPriority;
var sRunCnt;
var sMutexCnt;
var sTimeout;
var sStackInfo;
var sID;
var sNotifiedValue;
var sNotifyState;
var Lable1
var Lable2
var Lable3
tcb = GetTCB(Addr);
sTaskName = GetTaskName(tcb, Addr);
sID = GetTaskID(tcb, Addr);
sStackInfo = GetTaskStackInfoStr(tcb);
sPriority = GetTaskPrioName(tcb.uxPriority);
sNotifyState = GetTaskNotifyStateStr(tcb);
sTimeout = (tcb.Timeout == undefined ? "N/A" : tcb.Timeout.toString());
sRunCnt = (tcb.ulRunTimeCounter == undefined ? "N/A" : tcb.ulRunTimeCounter.toString());
sNotifiedValue = (tcb.ulNotifiedValue == undefined ? "N/A" : tcb.ulNotifiedValue.toString());
sMutexCnt = (tcb.uxMutexesHeld == undefined ? "N/A" : tcb.uxMutexesHeld.toString());
// custom labels
Lable1 = GetLabel1(tcb);
Lable2 = GetLabel2(Addr);
Lable3 = GetLabel3(0);
if (Addr == CurrTaskAddr) {
sState = "executing";
Threads.add(sTaskName, sRunCnt, sPriority, sState, sTimeout, sStackInfo, sID, sMutexCnt, sNotifiedValue, sNotifyState, Lable1,Lable2,Lable3,(Addr == CurrTaskAddr) ? undefined : Addr);
* AddList
* Function description
* Adds all tasks of a task list to the task window
* Parameters
* List: task list (type xLIST)
* CurrTaskAddr: memory location of the executing task's control block (TCB)
* sState: common state of all tasks within 'list'
function AddList(List, CurrTaskAddr, sState) {
var i;
var Index;
var Item;
var TaskAddr;
if ((List != undefined) && (List.uxNumberOfItems > 0)) {
Index = List.xListEnd.pxNext;
for (i = 0; i < List.uxNumberOfItems; i++) {
Item = Debug.evaluate("*(xLIST_ITEM*)" + Index);
TaskAddr = Item != 0 ? Item.pvOwner : 0;
if (TaskAddr != 0) {
AddTask(TaskAddr, CurrTaskAddr, sState);
Index = Item.pxNext;
if (i > 1000) { // infinite loop guard
* API Functions
* init
* Function description
* Initializes the task window
function init() {
Threads.newqueue("Task List");
Threads.setColumns("Name", "Run Count", "Priority", "Status", "Timeout", "Stack Info", "ID", "Mutex Count", "Notified Value", "Notify State","Lable1","Lable2","Lable3");
Threads.setColor("Status", "ready", "executing", "blocked");
* update
* Function description
* Updates the task window
function update() {
var i;
var pList;
var List;
var MaxPriority;
var CurrTaskAddr;
if((Debug.evaluate("pxCurrentTCB") == 0) || (Debug.evaluate("pxCurrentTCB") == undefined)) {
MaxPriority = Debug.evaluate("uxTopReadyPriority");
CurrTaskAddr = Debug.evaluate("pxCurrentTCB");
for (i = MaxPriority; i >= 0; i--) {
List = Debug.evaluate("pxReadyTasksLists[" + i + "]");
AddList(List, CurrTaskAddr, "ready");
pList = Debug.evaluate("pxDelayedTaskList");
if (pList != 0) {
List = Debug.evaluate("*(xLIST*)" + pList);
AddList(List, CurrTaskAddr, "blocked");
pList = Debug.evaluate("pxOverflowDelayedTaskList");
if (pList != 0) {
List = Debug.evaluate("*(xLIST*)" + pList);
AddList(List, CurrTaskAddr, "blocked");
List = Debug.evaluate("xSuspendedTaskList");
if (List != 0) {
AddList(List, CurrTaskAddr, "suspended");
* getregs
* Function description
* Returns the register set of a task.
* For ARM cores, this function is expected to return the values
* of registers R0 to R15 and PSR.
* Parameters
* hTask: integer number identifiying the task.
* Identical to the last parameter supplied to method Threads.add.
* For convenience, this should be the address of the TCB.
* Return Values
* An array of unsigned integers containing the tasks register values.
* The array must be sorted according to the logical indexes of the regs.
* The logical register indexing scheme is defined by the ELF-DWARF ABI.
function getregs(hTask) {
var i;
var SP;
var LR;
var Addr;
var tcb;
var aRegs = new Array(17);
tcb = GetTCB(hTask);
SP = tcb.pxTopOfStack;
Addr = SP;
/* the following registers are pushed by the FreeRTOS-scheduler */
// R4...R11
for (i = 4; i < 12; i++) {
aRegs[i] = TargetInterface.peekWord(Addr);
Addr += 4;
LR = TargetInterface.peekWord(Addr);
Addr += 4;
// S16...S31
if ((LR & 0x10) != 0x10) { // FP context has been saved?
Addr += 4*16; // skip S16..S31
/* the following registers are pushed by the ARM core */
// R0...R3
for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
aRegs[i] = TargetInterface.peekWord(Addr);
Addr += 4;
// R12, LR, PC, PSR
aRegs[12] = TargetInterface.peekWord(Addr);
Addr += 4;
aRegs[14] = TargetInterface.peekWord(Addr);
Addr += 4;
aRegs[15] = TargetInterface.peekWord(Addr);
Addr += 4;
aRegs[16] = TargetInterface.peekWord(Addr);
Addr += 4;
// S0..S15
if ((LR & 0x10) != 0x10) { // FP context has been saved?
Addr += 4*18; // skip S0...S15
if (aRegs[16] & (1<<9)) { // Stack has been 8-byte aligned
Addr += 4;
// SP
aRegs[13] = Addr;
return aRegs;
* getContextSwitchAddrs
* Functions description
* Returns an unsigned integer array containing the base addresses
* of all functions that complete a task switch when executed.
function getContextSwitchAddrs() {
var aAddrs;
var Addr;
Addr = Debug.evaluate("&vTaskSwitchContext");
if (Addr != undefined) {
aAddrs = new Array(1);
aAddrs[0] = Addr;
return aAddrs;
return [];
* getOSName()
* Functions description:
* Returns the name of the RTOS this script supplies support for
function getOSName() {
return "FreeRTOS";
function init() {
Threads.newqueue("Task List");
Threads.setColumns("Name", "Run Count", "Priority", "Status", "Timeout", "Stack Info", "ID", "Mutex Count", "Notified Value", "Notify State","Lable1","Lable2","Lable3");
Threads.setColor("Status", "ready", "executing", "blocked");
function init()
Threads.setColumns2("Timers", "Id(Timers)", "Name", "Hook", "Timeout", "Period", "Active");
function update()
Threads.add2("Timers", "0x1FF0A30", "MyTimer", "0x46C8 (Timer50)", "50(550)", "50", "1");